


Hamilton College Capoeira Site our group's site by Andrew Lombardo of Rockstar Technologies
My favorite sites: - best international discussion board with over 15000 users
Planetcapoeira - online capoeira magazine, now available in print
Capoeiragem - capoeira resource page with an e-zine and good links
Capoeira4all - great new resource page with databases of mestres, photos, videos, songs, links...
Capoeira Corner - nice pictures and diagrams of moves - lists of schools, mestres, song lyrics, websites, and forums. Their links page has over 900 links
Ozcapoeira - site of Grupo Capoeira Brasil in Sydney, Australia. Lots and lots of high-quality videos of floreios, rodas, and performances; also pictures, news, links, and extras including a 60-page capoeira songbook! - in Spanish. Nicely designed site with TONS of pictures and videos (both of rodas and of individual moves)
Beribazu Capoeira Cafe - the Capoeira Cafe, with pictures, video and song downloads, information, and forums
Open Roda - Teimosia's site with lyrics, articles about capoeira that he translated into English, a couple ripped videos and mp3s, lots of links
Capoeira Fighter Game! - AWESOME capoeira video game
Capoeira products:
Capoeira-shop - capoeira shirts, pants, shoes, music, instruments, books, videos, magazines, artwork... great service and fast shipping
Capoeiragear - pants, shirts, music, videos, berimbaus
Brazilianpercussion - berimbaus, atabaques, pandeiros, and other instruments used in the roda. The berimbaus are much cheaper than any you'll find here in the U.S. - I just ordered one from them (Gope brand) and it arrived in perfect condition and sounds great! - online store based in Sao Paulo with a ton of products
Sdobrado - based in Brazil, sells accessories, cords, CDs, DVDs, videos, magazines, instruments, and clothes
Afrobahia - AfroBahia has a HUGE selection of capoeira pants in a ton of colors and sizes - even short people like me!!! I bought most of my pants from them while I was in Salvador. Also carries capris, pants cut for women, and shorts.
Budalicious Cafe Shop - new shop with a bunch of pretty cool shirts, a couple hats, and a bag
Tienda Bahia - clothes, music, instruments, accessories
Schools and groups:
Instead of attempting to create a complete list of schools and their websites, I'm giving you links to sites with very nicely organized lists of thousands of schools. Enjoy!'s School List - schools organized and searchable by country
Capoeuropa - click on "Academies" for a comprehensive list of schools in Europe
The Capoeira List - great list of schools in the U.S., Canada, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico
Learning Portuguese: - Awesome site by Sonia, native Brazilian Portuguese speaker who is a qualified and experienced teacher of the language. Extensive sections for pronunciation and grammar, phrases, a message board, and her book and CD-rom course for sale
Portuguese Language Online - Comprehensive online dictionary; however, it is all in Portuguese, so I recommend it for more proficient speakers who are having a hard time finding particular words
***more Portuguese and Brazilian culture links coming soon!***