Potential Evolution of the Ginga


A. A. Decānio Filho

Translation by Shayna McHugh


From the ginga we can carry out movements, maneuvers, exercises, evolutions according to the rhythm, the objective, or the context from each one of the body’s parts and multiple postures. Thus, the standards and variations tend to infinity, since just one movement can be initiated from different positions and types, such as vertical, horizontal, crouched in various heights, from the front, from the back, while jumping, while turning, etc. not to mention the number of involved anatomic parts (each one with its initial position variable) or the relative positions of the various parts of the body among themselves. To these variables we must add the movements and postures of the components of each active body part: the velocity, acceleration, sequence, simultaneity and synchrony, among other factors.


The classification of the movements in capoeira can be done:

-         regarding to origin:

o       basic and derived;

-         regarding objective or nature:

o       defense, dodges, throws, trips, blows;

-         regarding posture:

o       high and low;

-         regarding the body part involved:

o       head, trunk, upper and lower limbs;

-         regarding the main axis:

o       linear, circular, spinning, elliptical, complex;

-         regarding the velocity:

o       slow and fast.


From the characteristic movements of capoeira we can evolve to different sporting styles, according to the predominance of movements or maneuvers:

-         throws, lending a tonality similar to Judo or Aikido;

-         blows, becoming similar then to Karate, savate or boxing;

-         holds, joint locks and strangles in the fashion of free fight, Greco-roman wrestling, Olympic wrestling, grappling or Jiu-jitsu;

-         choreographies, in a similar manner to ballet or samba;

-         acrobatics, reminiscent of Olympic gymnastics, or exhibitions of circus abilities;

-         personal defense;

-         exercises of respiratory and circulatory burden, in search of physical fitness.